Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Peek at What I've Been Doing

Well, I haven't been updating this like I had planned! Of course, it's not like there is nothing else going on in my life! It didn't take long after opening my store to realize that I really needed a studio to work in. Trying to create at the dining room table just wasn't cutting it. Not long after that realization, my mom announced that she was moving to my brother's house. Even though that meant a reduced income for us (she was paying her part for living here), it meant an empty bedroom which translated into a studio for me! I think she is happy with the move, although she is still getting settled. I am happy with my studio, although I am still getting settled! I have plans to make it a really cute and creative space. It's slowly starting to come together.

Another interruption in my life was the refinancing of our house.  We had some projects that needed to be moved along in preparation for the appraisal. It was a lot of work and there was dust everywhere, but we got it done to the point that we could have the appraisal, the appraiser was pleased, and we were able to close just before Christmas.  Unfortunately, that meant I still didn't--and don't--have much in my store.

A friend gave me a couple of little storage cabinets--the kind with drawers in them that are usually used for nails and screws and such.  What a blessing that was!  They were just exactly what I was wanting!  I still need to organize things a little better, but I finally have my workspace cleared off so that I can actually make some things. I'm a happy camper!

So, what have I been making?  I recreated a little Christmas tree that I had done years ago and made it better. I also learned to make kumihimo braids which is what the little tree is on. I enjoyed wearing it, but didn't have enough time to make any to sell. They will be available for next Christmas or can be special ordered at any  time.

I learned to make faux jasper and did some pieces in blue. I still haven't decided exactly what I am going to do with them, but I think they are kind of cool.

Then, I decided to finally try my hand at making sweet pea blossoms. I had already prepared the clay but just hadn't mustered up the courage to really give it a try until recently. I decided to make some earrings for my mother-in-law:

And a necklace for my mom:

The cord on Mom's necklace is also a kumihimo braid.

I learned another technique for creating color blends just yesterday and made this fun set for myself:

Once again, the cord is a kumihimo braid. The only parts of this set that are not completely hand-crafted are the earwires and the lobster claw clasp. I even made the cord end caps!

So, that's where I'm at.  Items similar to the above will be available in the store soon. You can always contact me for a special order if you see something you like. I may not be able to make an identical piece, but can come close.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. How lovely. I don't wear much jewelry, but the sweet pea is really pretty! Best wishes for success with your store.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Shirley, and for your kind comments! I do love that sweet pea. I need to make some more!
